RECIPE Rasmalai

Rasmalai is a very sweet and delicious sweet meal. Rasmalai is a favorite meal to people of any age.

For juice: 1 liter of milk, 2 tablespoons of lemon juice.
Give it to the milk stove first. When the lemon juice rises, milk will be made of chicks. Lower the stove from a stove and pour water from the kidneys. Pour the water from the cloth properly so that there is no water to the child. There will be a cup of chana here. Take the moth well with the hands of the baby. Make small balls with cubs.

For Sierra: 3 cups of water. 1 cup of sugar
Give water to the fire. Give it to sugar. When the water starts to blossom, leave the balls made with chana and leave it on top. So keep it low for 15 minutes.

For malai: Milk 1 liter. Sugar is a half cup (can be given more or less for the taste.) Cream 4 tablespoons (cream will be given to any super shop)

Make half the milk with firewood and thicken it. Now give sugar. Reduce oven irrigation. Remove the juice from the syra and leave this thick milk.

Keep the ignition of the oven less than the fire. After 15 minutes, stirring a little over five minutes


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