BNP 5 Suggestion USA and INDI....

5 suggestions to the BNP and India ...!

Foreign diplomats do not agree with the boycott of the BNP and not taking oath. They advised BNP leaders to go to parliament. The MPs who are members of the Parliament, called on them to speak to the parliament. Such reports were found in diplomatic sources.
These suggestions include:
1. Joining Parliament:
The United States and India have told the BNP that whatever small political parties there is to talk to Parliament. If they do not speak, or they are not heard, they will see the international community. That's the democratic way.
2. Extinction of 20-party alliance:
India and the United States have advised the BNP to abolish the 20-party alliance. Since the formation of the National UnityFront, there is no program of 20-party alliance and since 20 parties have Islamist political fundamentalist parties, the BNP has been advised to abolish this alliance and focus on the national unity front.
3. To remove Tarique Zia:
Three parties from India, the United States and the European Union have urged to remove Tarique Zia from the leadership of the BNP. These three parties have almost given similar opinion because they are not realistic under the leadership of Tarique Zia. In this case, they say that because he is punished outside the country and in multiple cases, he should not be led. For this reason, Begum Khaleda Zia is not the chairperson of the BNP, Tarek Zia should not be led by the BNP for the same reason. Rather, it has been proposed to take forward the politics of BNP under the leadership of a clean image holder acceptable to all.
4. Not being deviated from the democratic politics:
The United States has advised that in any case, the BNP should not deviate from the path of democratic politics. If the BNP does not accept the strategy to overcome the government through violence, terrorism or any other means of movement. Rather, the United States has advised BNP to step in step by step in democratic politics.
5. To practice secular politics:
The fifth advice given by the Indian side to the BNP is to practice secular politics. BNP has been urged to formulate its policies and strategies to build co-existence of all religions and secular Bangladesh in its politics.
Through these suggestions, the pressure on the BNP to move to Parliament virtually increased. Although the BNP is yet to say that in any case, the six MPs elected by them will not take oath and the question of going to parliament is not questionable. But in the face of international pressure, BNP is expected to withdraw from their decision. Parliament session begins on January 30 According to the law, the parliament is scheduled to join their parliament within the next 90 working days


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