Mia Khalifa The American porn star..

Today's post with some unknown information about Mia Khalifa. Let's know ...

The American porn star is indeed a Lebanese. He was born in Beirut, Lebanon, on February 20, 1993, but came to Maryland in 2000 in Swarupar.

Believe me or not, Mia Khalifa is a highly educated woman. He earned a Bachelor in Art degree from the University of Texas.
Mia caliph is known as Mia Callista Mia Callista.
Those who know Mia Khalifa, everybody is unaware of her marital status. In 2011, when he was eighteen, he married an American citizen!
Before entering the porn industry, she worked at a burger joint called 'Whataburger' from Mayami city. And in this burger joints he joined the porn industry in the proposal of a customer.
On December 28, 2014, Mia Khalifa has been declared as the most popular and critically panned person of Parnahab.

After growing up in the Muslim family, Mia Khalifa, after adopting Christianity, was one of the reasons for her relationship with her family.
Mia Khalifa Idol is Kim Kardishain and Sofia Vergara. It is possible to think of his eyebrows!
Porn videos with 'bang bros' are hijabed worldwide. Due to this video, social media Twitter has threatened to ruin her life. Even his family has been targeted several times to kill.
Mia Khalifa also acted in an Indian Bengali film.
Mia Khalifa has two tattoos. A Lebanese national anthem and the symbol of the Lebanese soldiers. He is a strong supporter of Lebanese soldiers.
Mia Khalifa Rugby fan He is also known as the fan of Seminoles. He even encouraged other players to join Seminoles in social media

Perhaps better known as 'The hijab porn star', Khalifa hit the headlines in 2014 when she infamously humped on camera wearing the traditional Muslim garb. The BangBros  film initially sparked outrage in her home country of Lebanon with haters claiming she had brought disgrace to the nation and insulted Islam. Khalifa stated in an interview with Loaded that she felt she is being made a scapegoat for internet censorship in her native land, and many others there have since demonstrated against the government, showing support for the American porn star. They claim that although she may have sex, 'She is still more decent than they are'.


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Mia Khalifa মিয়া খলিফা sex সমাচার

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